In 2015 the Iowa Newspaper Foundation unveiled a new individual giving program structure that better reflects our members’ expectations and needs, and places more emphasis on recognition and results.
The INF could not provide the programs, professional resources, and special events to its members without the financial support of generous, passionate individuals. We are dedicated to serving this evolving industry—whether it is helping prepare current journalists for the challenges ahead, or providing the next generation of newspaper professionals with opportunities to enter the field—and your investment in our work is absolutely crucial.
Not only are we striving to put forth the best programming possible, we are also building our efforts to ensure the future of our industry by offering programs that are multifaceted and guided by industry leaders.
If you have any questions about our Individual Giving program, or would like to speak with us regarding your estate plan or a legacy gift, please contact Foundation Director, Jana Shepherd, at or (515) 422-9051.

Mores Family Gives Additional $14,000
The Mores Media Fellowship is a three-day program created to enhance the leadership, organizational and performance skills of mid-to-upper level newspaper professionals. The program establishes a network of current and future newspaper leaders who understand and can respond to local, regional, and national issues impacting the newspaper industry.
The fellowship is made possible by a $60,000 grant from Steve and Alan Mores of Harlan Newspapers in honor of their father Leo Mores, longtime publisher of the Harlan News-Advertiser and Harlan Tribune. Steve and Alan recently provided an additional $14,000 to the program to offset the costs of travel and lodging for participants.
“We’re still a believer in good community journalism and keeping your hometowns informed. Though the printed products might be struggling a bit, digital efforts along with those print forms will hopefully continue. The Mores Media Fellowship is one way we hope to “push” for continuance and encourage new providers and participants in our trade.” –Steve Mores
We are grateful for Steve and Alan’s investment in Iowa newspapers

Chris Mudge Next Generation Fund
The Foundation is also excited to have completed the match requirement for the Chris Mudge Next Generation Fund thanks to donations from Iowa Newspaper Association members.
The fund is named after former Iowa Newspaper Association Executive Director Chris Mudge who carried a deep passion for mentoring young journalists into the industry.
“Chris always felt strongly in the need to encourage young people to pursue careers in journalism. When board members started a fund in her name upon her retirement, she asked that the fund be dedicated to help attract younger people to the newspaper field. Chris and I are also contributors to the fund.” -Bill Monroe
When the Chris Mudge Next Generation Fund reaches completion of $60,000 in 2026, the fund will generate enough money to fully support the high school journalism camp and other potential high school outreach programs.
The Foundation is excited about the opportunities this fund will bring to mentoring students in the coming years. Thank you to Bill and Chris Monroe for their commitment to the industry.

Woodward Writing Workshop
We are pleased to announce the annual writing workshop will now be named the Woodward Writing Workshop thanks to a $20,000 investment from Tom and Bob Woodward and the Woodward Communications Foundation.
This long-standing program is designed to provide participants with multiple contacts with a professional coach to build interviewing, writing and story development skills. Following a one-day kick off, participants have one-on-one conferences with a writing coach over the course of four weeks to hone their skills.
"Story development, interviewing, and writing are key journalism skills that are at the core of every Iowa community newspaper. As a company and a family, we are proud to help the development of these skills across the state and proud to sponsor the Woodward Writing Workshop through INF." - Bob Woodward
"Supporting the Workshop aligns very well with our company's Purpose, which is to 'Provide quality local content and services that support and grow strong communities.' " - Tom Woodward
Thank you to the Woodwards for their commitment to building strong Iowa journalists

Rhoades Family Donation Match
The Iowa Newspaper Foundation has a once in a lifetime opportunity to celebrate its 40-year anniversary and raise funds thanks to the generosity of the Rhoades family. For individual donations given in 2024, the Rhoades family will match up to $10,000.
If you have ever thought about contributing to the mission of the Iowa Newspaper Foundation, 2024 is the year to do it. Pledges at every level are being accepted now. We’ll be campaigning throughout the year until we hit our goal.
“We are hoping these funds can go towards training for new reporters for community newspapers. It is our hope that we can develop some local community writers who have little or no training in journalism but have a passion for their community and their local newspapers. Developing these local journalists will go a long way towards keeping community newspapers strong for many years to come.” - Mark Rhoades
This opportunity from the Rhoades family is a true gift in support of all newspapers of Iowa. We are deeply grateful.
$5,000 +
Heritage Club members will receive a plaque to proudly display at their home or office.
Jack Anundsen |
Jennifer Asa |
David Belin |
Jerry Blue |
Martin Bunge |
Paul Bunge |
Scott Campbell |
Ken Chaney |
Stuart Clark |
Karen Conner |
Robert Conner |
Brian Cooper |
Jeanne Davis |
Wayne Davis |
Dan DeBettignies |
Steve Delaney |
Amy Duncan & Mark Davitt |
Charlie Edwards |
Dave Elder |
Randy Evans |
Mike Finnegan |
Mike Fortman |
Barbara Gartner |
Carl Gartner |
Michael Gartner |
Gary Gerlach |
Michael Giudicessi |
Kristin Grabinoski |
Christopher Hall |
Gene Hall |
Carl Hamilton |
Mark Hamilton |
Joe Hladky |
Dodie Hook |
Arvid Huisman |
Dick Knowles |
Janine Kock |
Mike Kolbe |
Janette Larkin |
Robert Larson |
Mike Lyon |
Don Magdefrau |
Jo Martin |
Trevis and Nancy Mayfield |
Robert Melvold |
Douglas Melvold |
Gary Milks |
Jay Mohr |
Bill Monroe |
Chris Monroe |
Alan Mores |
Leo Mores |
Steve Mores |
Jim Nelson |
Carter Newton |
Sarah Newton |
Paul Norris |
Susan Patterson Plank |
Richard Paulsen |
Ron Peterson |
Carter Pitts |
Maxine Pitts |
Robert Reiste |
Mark Rhoades |
Mary Rueter |
Derek Sawvell |
Allyn Schafer |
Mr. Shaw |
Mike Simmons |
F. Simpson |
Paul Smith |
Mark Spensley |
Gary Spurgeon |
Karen Spurgeon |
Dave Stanley |
David Storey |
J. Tiedemann |
Bill Tubbs |
Mary Ungs-Sogaard |
Connie Wagner |
Jay Wagner |
Jeff Wagner |
Myrna Wagner |
Peter Wagner |
Ann Wilson |
Connie Wilmer |
Bob Woodward |
Tom Woodward |
Tom Yunt |
$10,000 +
In addition to the First Amendment Council recognition, Diamond Club members receive a commemorative gold Iowa-shaped lapel pin with diamond indicating the geographic location of your newspaper.
Brian Cooper |
Bill & Chris Monroe |
Ron Peterson |
Mark Rhoades |
Bill & Linda Tubbs |
Jeff & Myrna Wagner |
Bob Woodward |
Tom Woodward |
Tom Yunt |