To qualify for election as an Active Member, a person:
Shall be an individual, partnership, corporation or association or other entity which publishes a newspaper:
- With a paid circulation of at least fifty percent of the total circulation
- With a publication frequency of at least fifty times per year,
- With a second class mailing permit from the United States Postal Service, and
- Which shall have completed one year of publication with a second class mailing permit.
Shall have filed an application for membership with the Executive Director of the Association, agreeing to pay all dues assessed pursuant to these Bylaws. (Dues are based on the newspaper’s circulation, and will be determined upon a newspaper’s acceptance.)
To qualify for an election as Friends of the Iowa Newspaper Association Member a person shall be engaged in a commercial enterprise doing business with or providing goods or services to members.
To qualify for election as an Associate Member, a person:
Shall be an individual formerly actively engaged in the newspaper publishing industry, or
Any other person deemed by the Board of Directors to be qualified.
To qualify for election as an Academic Member, a person shall:
Publish a college, university or institution of higher learning newspaper, or
Publish a newspaper whose readership is primarily students, faculty, and staff at a college, university or institution of higher learning.
Only one Active Member may be elected from any newspaper.
When two or more newspapers in Iowa are under the same or affiliated ownership they must all become Active Members for any to qualify for membership.
Members shall be elected by the Board of Directors. An affirmative vote of the Board of Directors shall be required for election of a member.
Each Active Member shall be entitled to one vote on each matter submitted to a vote of the members. Associate Members, Academic Members and Affiliate Members shall have no voting rights.
The Board of Directors, by affirmative vote of two-thirds of all of the members of the Board may suspend or terminate the membership of any member. If any member ceases to qualify for the class of membership to which that member was elected, then that member’s membership shall thereupon terminate.
Any member may resign by filing a written resignation with the Secretary.
Membership in the Association is not transferable or assignable.
Each member shall provide to the Association copies of every newspaper published by the member in such numbers, manner and at such times as the Board of Directors shall from time to time determine.
Each member shall pay to the Association dues in such amounts and at such times as the Board of Directors may from time to time determine for each class of members.
INA members who subscribe to the Legal Hotline have access to competent, timely, low-cost advice from Hotline attorneys who have knowledge of laws affecting all phases of the newspaper business. Rates are based on circulation, with discounts offered for multiple papers in the same newspaper group.
For more information on any of these services and benefits contact the INA at 515-244-2145 or ina@inanews.com.