We are pleased to announce the annual writing workshop will now be named the Woodward Writing Workshop thanks to a $20,000 investment from Tom and Bob Woodward and the Woodward Communications Foundation.
"Story development, interviewing, and writing are key journalism skills that are at the core of every Iowa community newspaper. As a company and a family, we are proud to help the development of these skills across the state and proud to sponsor the Woodward Writing Workshop through INF." - Bob Woodward
"Supporting the Workshop aligns very well with our company's Purpose, which is to 'Provide quality local content and services that support and grow strong communities.' " - Tom Woodward
Thank you to the Woodward’s for their commitment to building strong Iowa journalists.
This year's workshop continues the interactive format designed to provide participants with multiple contacts with a professional coach. The program will build your interviewing, writing and story development skills! We continue the workshop tradition of one-on-one conferences with a writing coach and it is your chance to build relationships with experienced professionals and journalists facing similar challenges!
Registration fee: $75
Deadline: Thursday, September 19
Use discount code 24WW to be billed by the INA.
Meet the presenters
this year's coaches:
Randy Evans, Iowa Freedom of Information Council
Rick Morain, Jefferson Herald
Allie Hinga, Dubuque Telegraph Herald
Lyle Muller, Grinnell College
Emily Wood, Des Moines Business Publications
kick-off Program
8:45 a.m. Welcome and introductions
How To Make Your Editor's (and your) Life Easier
Presented by Allie Hinga
Focusing on some of the common pitfalls and hangups reporters experience when it comes to idea generation and story writing. From pitching ideas to self-editing to fact-checking, we will discuss all the little things you can do that make a big difference in your reporting and writing.
Interviewing Skills
Presented by Lindsey Young
It’s just asking questions. How hard can interviewing somebody really be? As it turns out, there is a definite art to interviewing—from asking the right questions to handling sensitive topics, hostile sources and everything in between. Let’s explore the artistry behind a really good interview, how to prepare, how to follow up and how to handle those tough-to-deal-with situations we will all inevitably find ourselves in.
Covering The Courts
Presented by William Morris
Main Topics:
- Why do we cover courts?
- What do readers need to know?
- Covering crime in ways that build, not break, trust.
- The anatomy of a lawsuit, or, how to read a 90-page court filing when deadline is in 40 minutes.
- What you need to know before covering a court proceeding in person.
- Tips for using Iow and federal online court records.
Noon-Meet with coaches to discuss next steps
Follow-up dates
September 26 – Kick-off session held online includes breakouts and time for the coaches to get to know their mentees.
By Friday, October 11 – Participants send 2-3 writing samples to their coach and coaches schedule sessions for the following week.
Week of October 14 - Coaches hold online sessions with mentees.
By Friday, October 25 - Participants send second batch of 2-3 writing samples to their coach and coaches schedule sessions for the following week.
Week of October 28 - Coaches hold online sessions with mentees.
Program is completed by November 4 - Participants to be awarded certificate of completion and recognized in the INA Bulletin.