The Iowa Newspaper Association annually honors deserving individuals with two prestigious awards: the Master Editor-Publisher Award and the Distinguished Service Award. Both awards are presented to recipients during the association's annual convention in February.
Recipients were announced February 6 at the 2025 INA Awards Ceremony.
Past recipients of the awards select each year's honorees.
Distinguished Service Award recipients are long-time journalists honored for their contributions to the newspaper profession and to their communities. DSA recipients can be any member of the newspaper staff, including but not limited to advertising directors, circulation managers, back shop superintendents and press operators, as well as news and sports editors, publishers and business managers.
Criteria include:
- The nominee must be an employee or former employee of an Iowa newspaper or associated with a university, college or newspaper association having close ties with Iowa newspapers;
- The nominee shall have contributed greatly to his or her newspaper, and to his or her community and/or the newspaper industry in general;
- Longevity should have little effect on the nominee's qualifications.
- Individuals who have received the INA's Master Editor-Publisher award are not eligible to win the Distinguished Service Award. (Rule enacted in 2012)

MARK DAVITT - Iowa House of Representatives
Vision. One small word that can have multiple meanings. In a literal sense, Mark Davitt has a vision for capturing moments in time.
Following college, Mark headed home and applied for a part time job at the newspaper. The first week, he worked 60 hours. And never looked back.
Over the years, Mark has photographed everything from car accidents to basketball games, opera to cattle shows. He sees things the rest of us do not and captures it to create lasting memories. He has earned 46 awards from the Iowa Newspaper Association, 25 from the Iowa Press Photographers Association and has guided the newspapers he worked for to many more awards in design and news.
But Mark also demonstrates a vision of things that could be. As managing editor, he pushed the newspaper to change from the old typographic machine to the latest, greatest computer technology. One of the first newspapers in the state to use the … Macintosh SE.
When the opportunity came to pursue a new avenue of delivering news, he again pushed to start an online newsletter in the community that became the first INA digital member newspaper a few years later.
Newspapers are only one way Mark shows his devotion to the community. He represented his local area for six years in the Iowa Legislature and has spent nine years on the county extension board. He helped the board and community navigate the pandemic without closing livestock shows and the county fair. He has served on several boards and committees and has been a mentor to many that now work as photographers in newspapers local and in other states.

COREY LINDSEY - Leon Journal Reporter
Corey Lindsey might be most notably known for his kind, understanding nature. When he reports, people listen. When others talk, he will respectfully listen.
As a fourth-generation journalist and publisher, community connections run deep. Corey has continued the family legacy by producing quality content at an always-affordable price. Through the consistent navigation of changes in delivery, platforms and content this individual has found ways to keep the newspaper relevant, informative and cherished by its readers.
Many local projects have benefited from his commitment to community from park creations, hospital upgrades, student organization support and development of a new community center
When the local historical museum building was nearing the brink of closure due to structural issues, Corey worked to find a new location for the artifacts and organized the restoration of a new location for the museum. The newspaper also organized fundraising to support the financial needs of the project.
Corey is active in supporting the school districts athletics program contributing both time and money to help with facilities upgrades. He currently serves as treasurer of the chamber of commerce, is a dedicated member of the fire department, chairman of the United Methodist Church board, serves on the conservation board and presides over the historical society.

Passion, drive, connection, forward-thinker. These are just a few of the attributes that come to mind when talking about Susan Patterson Plank. A staunch lifelong supporter of newspapers, she has fought tirelessly for public notices, driven advertising sales, made tough business decisions and mentored others all throughout the journey.
Susan’s passion for the newspaper business drives her. Her encyclopedic knowledge of all aspects of the business made her a first call for many. She continues to navigate the rapidly evolving nature of the newspaper profession daily, met the business continuity challenges of COVID head-on, and the make-or-break issues that arose in the Legislature put her skills to the test. As she has throughout her career, she always proves she is up to the task.
Susan played a critical role in helping secure legislative passage to protect Iowa public notices and public records laws and continues the important work daily to preserving public notices across the nation.
Not surprisingly, because of her calm leadership, her never-met-a-stranger style, and her eagerness to listen, Susan has been sought by other organizations to serve in volunteer capacities. That includes groups as local as the Des Moines Arts Festival, the Iowa Freedom of Information Council and as broad in scope as national media associations.
Mark Davitt, Iowa House of Representatives
Corey Lindsey, Leon Journal Reporter
Susan Patterson Plank, Gannett
Mary Sharp, Cedar Rapids Gazette
Lyle Muller
Mark Ridolfi, Eldridge North Scott Press
Steve Plain, Marshalltown Times-Republican
Joe Quinn, Nyemaseter Goode
Nancy Steburg, Kossuth County Advance
Mark Witherspoon, Iowa State Daily
Dorine Peterson, Creston News
Perry Bell, Knoxville Journal Express
Nick Workman, Ottumwa Courier
Scott Spurgeon, Bloomfield Democrat
Don Dauterive, Iowa Falls Times Citizen
Michael Bugeja, Iowa State University
Deb Geisler, Jefferson
Doug Melvold, Maquoketa
Scott Sundstrom, Des Moines
Bruce Binning, Denison
Vicky Decker, Seymour
Chris Mudge, Des Moines
Michael Giudicessi, Des Moines
Larry Peterson, Creston
Rox Laird, Des Moines
Bill Rediger, Dyersville Commercial
Connie Wagner, Sheldon N’West Iowa Review
Irene Wilcox, Madrid Register-News
Stuart Clark, Tipton Conservative
Max Heath, NNA Postal Chair
Keith Luchtel, INA Lobbyist
Barbara Mack, Iowa State University (posthumous)
Chuck Offenburger, Des Moines Register
Kathleen Richardson, Drake University
Norma Thurman, Stuart Herald
Bill Monroe, Iowa Newspaper Association
Jeff Grant, Sheldon
Alan Mores, Harlan
Jim Normandin, Dubuque
Jay Luther, Iowa Falls Times-Citizen
Jo Martin, Iowa Falls Times-Citizen
Mary Reuter, DeWitt Observer
Sharon Alban, Ogden Reporter
Bill Tubbs, Eldridge North Scott Press
Terry Wilson, Davenport Quad-City Times
Bill Wundram, Davenport Quad-City Times
Bob Andersen, Elkader Clayton Co. Register
Wayne Davis, Seymour Herald
Le Ann Larson, West Union Fayette Co. Union
Ron Schuety, Altoona Herald-Mitchellville Index
Randy Evans, Des Moines Register
Mark Wicks, Charles City Press
Connie White, Creston News-Advertiser
Drake Mabry, Des Moines Register & Ames Tribune
Gary Alban, Ogden Reporter
Amy Duncan, Indianola Record-Herald and Tribune
Don Magdefrau, Belle Plaine Union
Karen Young, Seymour Herald
Tom Yunt, Dubuque Telegraph Herald
Edward “Mike” Lyon, Mapleton Press
Michael Gartner, Des Moines
Walt Stevens, Ft. Dodge Messenger
Bill Casey, Iowa City Daily Iowan
Paul Gauthier, Corning Adams Co. Free-Press
Gil Cranberg, Des Moines Register
George Mills, Des Moines Register
Jay Wagner, Des Moines Business Record
Jim Magdefrau, Blairstown So. Benton Star-Press
Jack Crook, Knoxville Journal-Express
Barbara Lyon, Mapleton Press
Dave Storey, Cedar Rapids Gazette
LeAnn Pisarik, Mount Vernon-Lisbon Sun
Dr. Kenneth Starck, University of Iowa School of Journalism
Gary Spurgeon, Bloomfield Democrat
James Flansburg, Des Moines Register
Tom Emmerson, Iowa State University
Jack Marlowe, Maquoketa Sentinel Press
Marni Mellen, Fairfield Daily Ledger
Tom Johnson, Waukon Standard
Merle Kent Shawd, Woodward-NE Dallas Co. Record
Jay Mohr, Sibley-Osceola Co. Gazette Tribune (posthumous)
Mark Bowden, Cedar Rapids Gazette
Harold Aardema, Doon Press
Margaret VanderWeerdt, Sully Diamond Trail News
Gene Bloom, Woodbine Twiner (posthumous)
Mary Lou Hinrichsen, DeWitt Observer
Shirley Omer, Primghar O’Brien Co. Bell
Dave Paxton, Albia Newspaper
Bill Mertens, Burlington Hawk Eye
Richard Goughnour, Mediapolis News
David Johnson, West Branch Times
Joe Roth, Hampton Newspapers
Beth Dalbey, Adel Dallas County News
Brian Cooper, Dubuque Telegraph Herald
Ken Robinson, Bayard News-Gazette
Jerry Moriarity, Mason City Globe-Gazette
Al Pinder, Grinnell Herald-Register
Larry Johnson, Ft. Dodge Messenger
Carolyn Cole Gage, Villisca Review
Robert Woodward, Drake University
Phyllis Fleming, Cedar Rapids Gazette
William Zima, University of Iowa
Dale Kueter, Cedar Rapids Gazette
Oline Stigers, Cedar Rapids Gazette
Ron Slechta, Tama News-Herald
Harrison “Skip” Weber, INA
Genevieve Mauck Stoufer, Council Bluffs
Rick Morain, Jefferson Herald
Helen Zogg, Eldridge North Scott Press
Rosalie Johnson, Eldridge North Scott Press
Herb Strentz, Drake University
Lois Jacobs, Marshalltown Times-Republican
Cal Olson, Sioux City Journal
David Kruidenier, Des Moines Register
Hollis Nordyke, Ames Daily Tribune
Jackson Baty, University of Northern Iowa
L. Jay Smith, Fort Dodge Messenger
Harold Bailey, Perry Chief
Bill Kunerth, Iowa State University
Frederick Simpson, Atlantic News-Telegraph
John McCormally, Burlington Hawk Eye
Max Maxon, Webster City Freeman Journal
Harold Roberts, Creston News Advertiser
Esther Williams, Vinton Cedar Valley Daily Times
J. Burl Tiedemann, Adel Dallas County News
Harry Mauck Jr., Council Bluffs Nonpareil
Les Moeller, Iowa City
Donald Lundgren, Clinton Herald
Al Efner, Ottumwa Courier
Frank Nye, Cedar Rapids Gazette
Matt Lawrence, Ottumwa Courier
Paul Norris, Marshalltown Times-Republican