Twelve Iowa newspaper professionals completed the Mores Media Fellowship in September, joining roughly 80 other program graduates. The program this year included three intense days filled with training, discussion, networking and of course a little fun in Des Moines! The group heard from twelve speakers over the three days including top trainers in the leadership field as well as several industry professionals. The session kicked off with a dive into strength finders’ assessments and closed with a round of industry related hot topics. Sandwiched in between the group took part in discussions on the five levels of leadership, financial operations for a newspaper, revenue diversification and continuing education. We congratulate this group on a remarkable week focused on professional development and connecting with others in the industry.
Trevor Babcock, Carroll Times Herald/Jefferson Herald
Nathan Countryman, Mount Vernon-Lisbon Sun
Sarah Diehn, Des Moines Business Record
Erin M. Gentz, Eldridge North Scott Press
Megan Gloss, Dubuque Telegraph Herald
Brandon Hurley, Ames Tribune & Iowa City Press Citizen
Rhonda James, Marshalltown Times-Republican
Tami Schechinger, Harlan Newspapers
Thank you for support provided by the Iowa Arts Council, a division of the Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs, and the National Endowment for the Humanities: Exploring the Human Endeavor. Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this {article, book, exhibition, film, program, database, report, Web resource}, do not necessarily represent those of the National Endowment for the Humanities.


Dozens of expert-led, affordable programs covering topics from ad sales to digital options to photography
INF offers in-person training programs and annually facilitates dozens of webinars serving thousands of newspaper personnel from all across the country
Online Media Campus, our premier newspaper training brand, reaches out to newspapers in more than 40 states
INF underwrites the cost of the INA Convention and Trade Show, which boasts attendance among the highest in the country, with registration fees among the lowest

The Mores Media Fellowship includes three intense days filled with training, discussion, networking and of course a little fun in Des Moines! The group engages with twelve speakers over the three days including top trainers in the leadership field as well as several industry professionals. The session kicked off with a dive into strength finders’ assessments and closed with a round of industry related hot topics. Sandwiched in between presentations, the group participates in discussions on the five levels of leadership, financial operations for a newspaper, revenue diversification and continuing education.

Paid internships for students looking for real-world media experience
Our partnership with Media Now, a weeklong journalism camp offering an intense learning experience to ten high school students every year
Scholarships providing funding to college students preparing for newspaper careers
Iowa College Media Association
Iowa High School Press Association
Newspapers In Education

INF Better Newspaper Contests recognize superior work in all areas of the newspaper industry

The INF strongly supports Freedom of Information (FOI) initiatives. The INF partners with the Iowa Freedom of Information Council to provide training to Iowa reporters and government employees and officials, as well as interested Iowa citizens.