INA Leadership Transition Underway

The Iowa Newspaper Association is transitioning as it transitions. As announced at the start of August, Susan Patterson Plank, executive director since 2016, will depart Sept. 1 to rejoin Gannett Co., Inc. Patterson Plank, who joined INA in 2013 as sales and marketing director, will fill Gannett’s newly established position of vice president of public…

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INA Advisory Following Kansas Newsroom Search

In 1980, the United States Congress enacted a law called the Privacy Protection Act that makes it illegal for law enforcement to seize materials used by journalists for their work pursuant to a search warrant. Law enforcement is required to obtain a court subpoena for the information. The difference between the two is that the…

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Iowa Newspaper Association Executive Director

The Iowa Newspaper Association, a member driven non-profit trade association representing 240 newspapers across Iowa is seeking its next Executive Director.  The Executive Director will lead the INA and its affiliated organizations, Customized Newspaper Advertising and the Iowa Newspaper Foundation. CNA is a for-profit national newspaper and digital sales, planning and placement organization and the INF is a charitable foundation serving the interests of…

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INA executive director resigns; to accept new role with Gannett

Brian Cooper Susan Patterson Plank, Iowa Newspaper Association executive director since 2016, has resigned, effective Sept. 1, and will rejoin Gannett Co., Inc. Patterson Plank, 58, who joined INA in 2013 as sales and marketing director, will become Gannett’s vice president of public records strategic initiatives, a newly established position. This will be her third…

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Regional Students Participate in Media Now

The Iowa Newspaper Foundation (INF) was thrilled to be a part of a program specifically targeting the next generation of Iowa newspaper professionals. The INF partnered with Media Now and Drake University to offer an in-depth media experience for Iowa high school students July 10-13. Media Now was held at Drake University in Des Moines…

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School and state board blunder in major transparency case

Randy Evans, executive directorIowa Freedom of Information Council This article is free to use and publish in your publication.  These are challenging times for Iowa’s 327 public school districts. They are being watched closely by state officials and lawmakers, by parents and by others in the community. These eyes are looking for signs schools are treading…

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2025 IHSAA Wrestling Tournament and INA Photo Pool

Order deadline:  Tuesday, February 18 by 2:00pm The Iowa High School Athletic Association and the Iowa Newspaper Association are again teaming up to facilitate a service for Iowa newspapers that are unable to staff the 2025 State Wrestling Tournament with a photographer. The Iowa Newspaper Association will provide a pool of volunteers to take pictures.…

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Get Iowa COVID updates on this new dashboard

This article is free to use and publish in your publication.  A new website, the product of a collaboration among Iowa newspapers, will serve as a central source of Iowa COVID-19 data. The project is being led by the Iowa Newspaper Association and spearheaded by the Cedar Rapids Gazette, Des Moines Register, Iowa City Daily…

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Register editor: Big tech is squeezing the finances of newspapers in Iowa and across U.S.; here’s how an antitrust bill could help

Google and Facebook stack the deck against newspapers and broadcasters by refusing to compensate publishers for the work their journalists produce. This article is free to use and publish in your publication.  Carol HunterDes Moines Register Just as Iowa is a state of small towns, it’s a state boasting an extraordinary number of small but…

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