Customized Newspaper Advertising is the advertising service of the Iowa Newspaper Association membership. Board directed, CNA’s vision is to advance the economic well-being of Iowa newspaper enterprises primarily through research, promotion and advertising sales.
CNA acts as an extension of your sales staff, working hard to secure NEW business from regional and national companies for your products. CNA drives revenue by making newspaper placement easy for clients and advertising agencies, providing strategy, research and placement services. Our team collaborates with each INA member, relying on information provided by members to sell millions of dollars in print and digital every year, driving new revenue to your newspaper and the industry!
CNA commissions research to provide data on consumer habits and newspaper readership on a statewide level. This research assists the selling process to clients and advertising agencies. Find sales sheets by category below.
CNA also offers member newspapers the opportunity to participate in the statewide newspaper networks. This is a revenue-generating opportunity for your newspaper. Ask us how to join or sell the newspaper networks at networks@cnaads.com.
State of Iowa political disclaimer guidelines:
1. If the sponsor is an individual (or individuals), the attribution must provide the full name and complete mailing address of each person who is responsible for or is paying for the ad. The name(s) shall be preceded by the Phrase "Paid for by."
2. If the sponsor is an organization, the full name and complete mailing address of the organization responsible for the ad must be shown, again preceded by the phrase "Paid for by." In addition, the name of at least one officer of the organization must be shown.
3. If the sponsor is a registered political committee (one which has filed a Statement of Organization with either a County Auditor or the Iowa Ethics and Campaign Disclosure Board), only the name of the committee must be shown, again preceded by the words "Paid for by."
In the case of a newspaper ad bearing many names or signatures of supporters where including addresses would be difficult and expensive, the addresses may be placed on file with the Board or County Auditor and this fact noted in the ad.
If a sponsor is donating labor or materials rather than paying for the advertising, the disclaimer statement should begin "Labor (or materials) donated by." In instances of joint sponsorship, both a "donated by" and a "Paid for by" may be necessary.
The regulations and guidelines restricting tobacco advertising are federal regulations. Newspaper advertising is permitted, but there are a lot of guidelines.
The FDA is requiring warning on advertisements for e-cigs by Aug. 10, 2018. Here are the requirements:
Format and Display Requirements for Required Warning Statements on Advertisements
Advertisements include print advertisements and other advertisements with a visual component (including, for example, advertisements on signs, shelf-talkers, Web pages, and email). The required warning statement on advertisements must:
- Appear on the upper portion of the advertisement within the trim area;
- Occupy at least 20 percent of the area of the advertisement (warning area);
- Be printed in at least 12-point font size and ensure that the required warning statement occupies the greatest possible proportion of the warning area set aside for the required warning statement;
- Be printed in conspicuous and legible Helvetica bold or Arial bold type or other similar sans serif fonts and in black text on a white background or white text on a black background in a manner that contrasts by typography, layout, or color, with all other printed material on the advertisement;
- Be capitalized and punctuated;
- Be centered in the warning area in which the text is required to be printed and positioned such that the text of the required warning statement and the other textual information in the advertisement have the same orientation; and
- Be surrounded by a rectangular border that is the same color as the text of the required warning statement and that is not less than 3 millimeters (mm) or more than 4 mm.
"WARNING: This product contains nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical."
There is no law or regulation that prohibits advertising of guns in newspapers. The general guidelines include not marketing to children or individuals’ underage. The seller assumes responsibly of following the established laws in their practice.
There is no prohibition on advertising fireworks sales; either for sellers in or out of state. It is up to the seller and user to assure they are in compliance with state and local laws. If a paper is concerned about an ad, they might require an ad contain language to the affect the offer is “Void where prohibited.”
Customized Newspaper Advertising regularly commissions statewide surveys to gauge consumers’ media usage habits as a tool for sales staff to continue the mission of advancing the economic well-being of newspapers. In 2022, CNA commissioned Coda Ventures, to conduct a market research study in the state of Iowa.
Information Sheets
The graphs below were compiled with the information gathered from this market research study and are available for you to download and use.
The ads below were compiled with the information gathered from this market research study and are available for you to download and use.