NAM’s partners with Metro Creative Graphics to deliver a series of promotional messages
The following message was sent to NAM Members on Tuesday.
All of our member newspapers are gearing up for the reopening of businesses shut down by the pandemic since March.
It’s a great time to show the POWER OF NEWSPAPERS that are, we would all agree, the best investment an advertiser can make.
NAM’s partnership with Metro Creative Graphics today delivers to you a series of three promotional messages that can be sent to loyal and prospective advertisers. You can access the trio here on the NAMMEMBERS Web site where we are building a home for The Relevance Project:
Here are the campaign details:
The theme is: ALL TOGETHER NOW (…time to open)
The message: Let us help you reopen and welcome back customers. And cheers to our newsrooms for keeping us informed during challenging times.
This starts a series: NEWSPAPER POWER.
The messages can be localized for press/newspaper association use. You can adapt this campaign as your own. You can add to your creations (I’ve seen many excellent efforts by NAM members). You can use these to promote your members.
The messages also can be localized by member newspapers with their own brand. They can revise, customize and run with them as they see fit.
The suggested best use for these is to go directly to potential advertisers. Also, they could make great rack cards and billboards, as well go on your web sites.
A bit of background: This started as an initial experiment of The Relevance Project. Stronger promotions of our industry and common branding are desired actions of the overall initiative. Thanks to Michelle Rea for her guidance.
Our friends at Metro Creative, Rob Zimmerman and Darrell Davis, embraced our urgency to deliver results and quickly moved from “test” to ready-to-go messages. Special thanks to them. They want us to succeed big time.
We plan to add to the NEWSPAPER POWER/RELEVANCE PROJECT series. All suggestions welcomed.
One more thing: Please share success stories on how this helped with revenue generation. We know the urgency.