
Customized Newspaper Advertising (CNA) is your smart source for Print + Digital media planning and placement. We specialize in trusted media options that reach your target. The Wisconsin Newspaper Association, in partnership with Customized Newspaper Advertising, offers member newspapers the opportunity to participate in two advertising networks; Statewide Classified and 2x2/2x4 small space display networks. This is a revenue generating opportunity for your local paper and if you are not currently a member, contact us for more information.

Ad copy for run week May 11, 2020

Updated Weekly on Thursday to run the following week.

Below is the ad copy for both the classified and 2x2/2x4 ads.  Please download ads based on the region your newspaper is located.

2x2/2x4 Ad Copy - 3.22 Size

These networks are a primary revenue source for Wisconsin Newspaper Association.

Classified Network of Wisconsin (CNOW)
2X2/2x4 Network of Wisconsin

In each program, participating newspapers donate space and agree to run the network ads 90% of the time in their paper.  In exchange for this commitment, a rebate check is sent annually to each participant.  This rebate check amount is determined by the number of ads sold into the network. Ten percent of every ad sold is put into this account and sent back to newspapers.

Another benefit to newspapers includes the opportunity to sell these networks to local clients. A newspaper retains 50 percent of the selling price for any ads it sells into the network.  That’s 50% instant commission!

Selling into the network is easy! Send the ad to Customized Newspaper Advertising and they'll take care of the rest.

Suggested prospects include:

  • Auctions
  • Antique dealers
  • Business opportunities
  • Commercial real estate
  • Community events and festivals
  • Convention and visitor bureaus
  • Farm equipment
  • Help wanted
  • Land for sale
  • Livestock
  • Pre-manufactured homes
  • Resorts, hotels and motels
  • Schools and instruction
  • Siding companies
  • Vacation rentals

Download media kits to assist in selling the network at your local paper.

Classified Network of Wisconsin

2x2/2x4 Small Space Display  Network of Wisconsin

North East Region

South East Region

North West Region

South West Region

Participating newspapers should use the forms below to place ads into the networks:

Networks Standards of acceptance


Contact Customized Newspaper Advertising at 1-800-227-7636 or email networks@cnaads.com.