
Iowa Newspaper Networks Ad Copy

Customized Newspaper Advertising, CNA, is the advertising service of the Iowa Newspaper Association membership. Board directed, its vision is to advance the economic well-being of Iowa newspaper enterprises primarily through research, promotion and advertising sales.

CNA is an extension of your sales staff working hard to secure NEW business from regional and national companies into your publications. CNA drives this business by making newspaper placement easy for clients and advertising agencies by providing research and demographic information about Iowa newspaper readers.

CNA offers member newspapers the opportunity to participate in the statewide newspaper networks. This is a revenue generating opportunity for your newspaper. Please contact us for more information about how to join or sell the newspaper networks at networks@cnaads.com.

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Display Networks ad copy for run week: September 9, 2024

Below is the ad copy for both the classified and display ads.

Updated weekly on Wednesday to run the following week.

The small space display download may include a 3x5 ad. It will serve advertisers’ needs for effective messaging in the print classified market, provide more payback to network participants and better fit modular sizes. No more than one 3x5 ad will be allowed per week. Custom display clients are not eligible.

Please download ads based on the region your newspaper is located and the size that best fits your paper's specs. If the sizes provided are not an exact fit for your paper, the ads should float. Do not alter, enlarge, or shrink the ads. They must run exactly as provided.

Online Banner Network

You may access copy for the current Online Banner Network campaigns by clicking the button on the right. The ad can run on any page of your website. It will need to run for up to 30 days or until you meet your impression goal. At the end of each campaign, we will email you notification to remove the ad and to request a final delivery report.

What are the networks?

See why more than 200 newspapers are already signed up!

Consider these benefits of participating in the Iowa Newspaper Networks:

  • Reduced Commissions on Customized Newspaper Advertising Display Advertising: Weekly newspapers that participate in classified and small space display pay a lower commission to CNA on all display advertising sold into that newspaper.
  • Kitty Checks: 10% of every ad sold goes into a kitty, which is distributed 2x per year to participating newspapers. In 2019, newspapers that participated in both networks received approximately $300.
  • Additional Revenue for your newspaper: Any participating newspaper can sell the newspaper network. Earn 50% INSTANT COMMISSION on any sale.  This is a unique opportunity for newspapers to upsell current customers into the network and offer regional or statewide coverage to their customers.  See below for more information.
  • Support the Iowa Newspaper Association: The networks program is the largest revenue generating program for the INA and helps to fund programming and the annual INA Convention!

Did you know that Iowa newspapers sold more than $45,000 in network ads in 2019! Selling into the network is an easy upsell to current customers!

Download media kits to assist in selling the network at your local paper.

Participating newspapers should use the forms below to place ads into the networks:

Contact Customized Newspaper Advertising at 1-800-227-7636 or email networks@cnaads.com