
Michigan Newspaper Networks Ad Copy

The Michigan Press Association, in partnership with Customized Newspaper Advertising, offers member newspapers the opportunity to participate in two advertising networks; Statewide Classified and 2x2/2x4 small space display networks. This program is a revenue generating initiative for MPA and individual newspapers.

If your publication is not part of the MPA statewide networks, download the enrollment form to learn more about becoming involved. Newspapers can sell into the statewide and regional program and earn 50% instant commission.

Below is the ad copy for both the classified and 2x2/2x4 ads.

Please download ads based on the region your newspaper is located. Updated weekly on Tuesday to run the following week.

These networks are a primary revenue source for Michigan Newspaper Association.

See why more than 150 Michigan papers already participate;

  • Rebate:  10% of every classified ad and 20% of every small space display ad sold goes into a rebate pool, which is distributed annually to each participating newspaper. In each program, participating newspapers donate space and agree to run the network ads 90% of the time in their paper.  In 2019, newspapers that participated in both networks received approximately $200.
  • Additional Revenue for your newspaper: Any participating newspaper can sell the newspaper network. Earn 50% INSTANT COMMISSION on any sale.  This is a unique opportunity for newspapers to upsell current customers into the network and offer regional or statewide coverage to their customers.  See below for more information.
  • Support the Michigan Newspaper Association: The networks program is a revenue generating program for the MPA and helps to fund programming and the annual Convention!

Download media kits to assist in selling the network at your local paper.

Participating newspapers should use the forms below to place ads into the networks:

Contact Customized Newspaper Advertising at 1-800-227-7636 or email networks@cnaads.com